Bebe au Lait - Life with Littles

Holiday Gift Guide Feature!
We are delighted our Earth Side Wooden Milestone Discs are included in the Project Nursery Holiday Gift Guide 2019!  We have many more Wooden Milestone Discs for all the moments you want to capture, whether during pregnancy with our new Pregnancy...
Happy Bosses Day from our in-house #MomBoss
It all started with a single nursing cover. I chose the fabric at the fabric store. I toted my kids around the store with me, while they fussed because it took too long. Why is it the line at the...
The end of an era - Goodbye, Toys R Us
"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid"- how much nostalgia does that jingle bring up for all of us? With Toys R Us officially closing it's doors today, it's the end of an era - and...
How to swaddle your baby – tips for the safest swaddle

Swaddling babies is an age-old tradition practiced by many cultures. Swaddling is when you wrap a small baby snugly in a blanket, mimicking the snug, comforting feeling of being in the womb. Although swaddling is widely practiced, improper swaddling can be dangerous.

Not to worry though - we've got all the details about how to swaddle your baby safely!

These are your monkeys, and this is your circus!

If you’re a mom, I’m sure you’ve experienced the chaos of your kids - babies crying on the airplane, toddlers running around with no clothes on… siblings bickering.In those moments, you realized that there’s NO WAY you can disengage from this drama - these are your monkeys, and this is your circus! You are 100% responsible for this situation!